Species: Michelia alba
English Name: White Jade Orchid Tree
Chinese Name: 白蘭丶白玉蘭
Family: Magnoliaceae
Evergreen tree, up to 17m tall; bark grey; young twigs and buds densely covered with pale yellowish white hairs. Stipular scars nearly reached middle of petioles. Petioles 1.5 -2 cm, sparsely puberulous. Leaves long-elliptic or lanceolate-elliptic, 10-27 x 4-9.5 cm. thinly leathery, base cuneate, apex long acuminate or caudate-acuminate, adaxially glabrous, abaxially sparsely puberulous, reticulations of veins very conspicuous on both surfaces when dry. Flowers white, very fragrant, tepals 10, lanceolate, 3-4 x 0.3-0.5 cm; connectives exserted and forming a long tip; gynoecium puberulous, gynoecium stalk ca. 4 mm, carpels numerous,... Read more »