Terpsiphone atrocaudata

Species: Terpsiphone atrocaudata

English Name: Japanese Paradise Flycatcher

Chinese Name: 紫壽帶

Family: Monarquinae


Large (17-45 cm), long-tailed bird. The  males have a black hood with a prominent blue eye ring, a white belly and vent, ring and a blackish-purple upperparts. On the summer, males have elongated central tail feathers. Females are browner on the upperparts. It as been recorded on April at Oscar Farm, Macao.

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– Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Institute for... Read more »

Terpsiphone paradisi

Species: Terpsiphone paradisi

English Name: Asian Paradise Flycatcher

Chinese Name: 壽帶

Family: Monarquinae


Large (20-48 cm), long-tailed bird. The plumage is rufous-brown on the mantle, wings and tail, dark on the head and whitish-grey below. On the summer, males have elongated central tail feathers. In Macao occasionally occur the white morph (white plumage, with black hood, breast and wings tips).

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– Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Institute for Endangered Animals. (2010). Birds of... Read more »

Hypothymis azurea

Species: Hypothymis azurea

English Name: Black-naped Monarch

Chinese Name: 黑枕王鶲

Family: Monarquinae


The Black-naped Monarch has 15-17 cm long, a dark-blueish broad bill, legs and feet. Males plumage are mainly blue, except for the white belly and vent, black nape patch and black band across the neck. Females lack the black patches and band, have a whitish breast and are grey from the mantle to the tail. It occur in Macao as a winter visitor and can be found in a wooded habitats.

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Dicrurus hottentottus

Species: Dicrurus hottentottus

English Name: Hair-crested Drongo

Chinese Name: 髮冠卷尾

Family: Dicruridae


Fairly large drongo (31-32 cm) with long hair-like plumes and long forked tail. The plumage is all black with iridescent  blue on the wings and tail. In Macao, it is a summer visitor and can be found in woodlands.

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– Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Institute for Endangered Animals. (2010). Birds of Macao. Macao, SAR: Author.

Dicrurus leucophaeus

Species: Dicrurus leucophaeus

English Name: Ashy Drongo

Chinese Name: 灰卷尾

Family: Dicruridae


The Ashy Drongo has 24-29 cm long, slim body and long, deeply forked tail. The plumage is all ashy-grey and some individuals have a white mark on the face. It occurs in Macao as a winter visitor and autumn migrant, found at wooded areas or open habitats.

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– Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Institute for Endangered Animals. (2010). Birds of Macao.... Read more »

Dicrurus macrocercus

Species: Dicrurus macrocercus

English Name: Black Drongo

Chinese Name: 黑卷尾

Family: Dicruridae


Medium-sized (27-30 cm), slender-bodied drongo with a prominent forked tail and glossy, black plumage. Bill, legs and feet are also black. Juveniles have whitish scales below. In Macao, it is a common visitor in the summer and occassionaly recorded in the winter.

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– Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Institute for Endangered Animals. (2010). Birds of Macao. Macao, SAR: Author.

Oriolus chinensis

Species: Oriolus chinensis

English Name: Black-naped Oriole

Chinese Name: 黑枕黃鸝

Family: Oriolidae


The Black-naped Oriole measures about 28-28 cm, has a pink bill and dark-grey legs and feet. The plumage is bright yellow with black wings and a broad black mask that join at the back of the neck. It occurs in Macao as a passage migrant.

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– Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Institute for Endangered Animals. (2010). Birds of Macao. Macao, SAR: Author.

Lanius schach

Species: Lanius schach

English Name: Long-tailed Shrike

Chinese Name: 棕背伯勞

Family: Lanniidae


Medium-sized shrike (21-25 cm) with a long black tail, black mask and forehead, small white patch on the shoulders and rufous rump and flanks. In Macao also occurs a dark morph bird which has a black face and throat. It is a common resident and can be seen in a variety of open habitats and city parks.

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– Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South... Read more »

Lanius cristatus

Species: Lanius cristatus

English Name: Brown Shrike

Chinese Name: 紅尾伯勞

Family: Lanniidae


Small (17-20 cm), long tailed shrike, mainly brown above with a black mask. Two subspecies occur in Macao: lucionensis which has a pale grey crown, and cristatus which has a dark crown. In Macao, it  is a passage migrant and winter visitor.

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– Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Institute for Endangered Animals. (2010). Birds of Macao. Macao, SAR: Author.

Coracina melaschistos

Species: Coracina melaschistos

English Name: Black-winged Cuckooshrike

Chinese Name: 暗灰鵑鵙

Family: Campephagidae


The Black-winged Cuckooshrike measures 20-24 cm, has a short black bill, a long, graduated tail and conspicuous white tips on the undertail feathers. Males are dark grey above and pale grey below. Females are paler and faint barred below. It occurs in Macao as a passage migrant and winter visitor and can be found in wooded habitats.

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– Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South... Read more »