Bungarus fasciatus

Species: Bungarus fasciatus

English Name: Banded Krait

Chinese Name: 金腳帶, 金甲帶, 金蛇, 黃金甲, 鐵包金

Family: Elapidae


This highly venomous snake has 105-135 cm in average length but can grow up to 180 cm. It is easily identified by it’s black body with yellow transverse bands and its triangular body cross section. The Banded Krait inhabits areas with good vegetation cover and water supply such as marshes and cultivated fields.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal... Read more »

Xenochrophis piscator

Species: Xenochrophis piscator

English Name: Checkered Keelback, Asiatic Water Snake, Striped Water Snake

Chinese Name: 渔游蛇

Family: Colubridae


The Checkered Keelback has 75 cm in average length but can grow up to 135 cm. Above it is grey, brown or olive with a black checkered pattern and two black streaks behind each eye. Below it is whitish with a black border on each side.  Some individuals may have orange spots on lower sides. Can be found in ponds, streams and ditches in cultivated fields.

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– Zhao, E.,... Read more »

Ptyas mucosa

Species: Ptyas mucosa

English Name: Oriental Rat Snake, Common Rat Snake

Chinese Name: 滑鼠蛇

Family: Colubridae


Medium sized, non-venomous snake, reaching about 250 cm in length. Above, it is light brown with light crossbars on anterior part of body, dark crossbars on posterior part and whitish below. This diurnal species can be found in agricultural fields, shrublands, grasslands and edges of rural gardens.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 18 (4) , 147-150.

Oligodon formosanus

Species: Oligodon formosanus

English Name: Taiwan Kukri Snake

Chinese Name: 台灣小頭蛇

Family: Colubridae


This non-venomous snake can grow up to 90 cm. The back is grayish or reddish-brown, with thin irregular crossbars, and the ventral side is pale pink. The head is not distinct from neck and have two brown V-shaped marks. It occurs in dry and moist areas, e.g. grassland, dense secondary forest, grassy edges of ponds and cultivated fields.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau.... Read more »

Enhydris chinensis

Species: Enhydris chinensis

English Name: Chinese Water Snake, Chinese Smooth Water Snake

Chinese Name: 中國水蛇

Family: Homalopsidae


Relatively small (up to 80 cm), mildly venomous snake. The upperside is brown with irregularly scattered black spots and the ventral side is yellowish. The head is rounded and distinct from the neck. It is a aquatic species found in cultivated areas, particularly, fish ponds and rice paddies.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 18 (4)... Read more »

Boiga multomaculata

Species: Boiga multomaculata

English Name: Many-spotted Cat Snake, Large-spotted Cat Snake, Marbled Cat-eyed Snake

Chinese Name: 繁花林蛇, 繁花蛇, 金钱豹

Family: Colubridae


Long (up to 75 cm long), slender, mildly venomous snake with a large head, compared to the body. It is grayish-brown above with two alternating series of round dark brown to chestnut colored spots and two other series of smaller spots on the lower sides. The ventral side is paler with brown marks. It is usually found in trees or bushes.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V.,... Read more »

Amphiesma stolatum

Species: Amphiesma stolatum

English Name: Buff Striped Keelback

Chinese Name: 草腹链蛇, 黄头蛇, 花浪蛇, 土地公蛇, 草尾仔蛇

Family: Colubridae


Small (average 65 cm), slender, nonvenomous snake, generally olive-brown to grey in color. The sides of the head are yellow and the body have irregular blackish crossbars with two distinctive yellow stripes along the length. It can be found in river banks, marshy areas and wetlands.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 18 (4) , 147-150.

Python bivittatus

Species: Python bivittatus

English Name: Burmese Python

Chinese Name: 緬甸蟒

Family: Pythonidae


This is one of the largest snakes in the world growing 3,7 m long on average. Burmese Phyton have a distinctive patterning: dark brown blotches on a light tan background. They are mostly found in forests, mangroves and rainforests, but also in grasslands, marshes, streams and rivers.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 18 (4) , 147-150.

Ramphotyphlops braminus

Species: Ramphotyphlops braminus

English Name: Brahminy Blind Snake, Flower Pot Snake, Common Blind Snake

Chinese Name: 鉤盲蛇, 鐵線蛇

Family: Typhlopidae


Small (10-15 cm), thin, shiny, worm-like snake. The coloration varies from dark brown to black. The head and tail-tip are similar. The vestigial eyes are underneath the head scales. This primitive species is unixexual with no males ever been discovered. Commonly found in a wide range of soils, from gardens to cultivated fields and forests.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and... Read more »

Plestiodon chinensis

Species: Plestiodon chinensis

English Name: Chinese Skink

Chinese Name: 石龙子

Family: Scincidae


Long Skink (up to 35 cm in total length) with a robust and large body. The dorsal side is green or olive, usually with orange spots on the flanks, and the ventral side is pale. The scales are smooth and glossy. It can be found in grass, shrubs, cultivated fields or on the edge of mangrove swamps.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal... Read more »