Scincella reevesii

Species: Scincella reevesii

English Name: Reeves’ Smooth Skink

Chinese Name: 南滑蜥

Family: Scincidae


Small, slimmer Skink, up to 13 cm in total length, bronze-brown in color with a black dorsolateral stripe, extending from eye to tail. Males have a red patch on lower flanks and the underside is yellow (belly) and orange-yellow (tail). Females underside is white (belly) and grayish-blue (tail). It can be found in gardens, grasslands, shrublands and cultivated fields.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of... Read more »

Ateuchosaurus chinensis

Species: Ateuchosaurus chinensis

English Name: Chinese Forest Skink

Chinese Name: 光蜥

Family: Scincidae


The Chinese Forest Skink has up to 20 cm in total length. It is reddish to grayish-brown above with a black band extending from eye to beyond foreleg, pearly white below and the sides are heavily spotted. Adult males have bright pink throat and underside between forelegs.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 18 (4) , 147-150.

Calotes versicolor

Species: Calotes versicolor

English Name: Changeable Lizard, Oriental Garden Lizard, Eastern Garden Lizard

Chinese Name: 变色树蜥, 马鬃蛇, 鸡冠蛇

Family: Agamidae


Medium-sized lizard (37 cm in total length) with a spiny crest along the nape and back, a distinctive spine above  the tympanum and lack of a shoulder fold. The coloration varies from dull brown to grey or olive, but they can change their colors (not as rapidly as chameleons). During the breeding season, or after a successful battle with rivals, male’s head and shoulders turns bright orange with two black patches on the neck. Commonly found in low shrubs and bushes but also in... Read more »

Hemidactylus garnotii

Species: Hemidactylus garnotii

English Name: Garnot’s Gecko, Indo-Pacific Gecko

Chinese Name: 鋸尾蜥虎

Family: Gekkonidae


Medium sized gecko, up to 15 cm in total length. The body is grey to brown with prominent saw-like yellow spines along lateral sides of the tail. The ventral surface is yellowish with two white patches on the throat.Reproduction occurs by parthenogenesis: all individuals are females and laid unfertilized eggs that develop into embryos. It lives in shrublands and grasslands.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and... Read more »

Hemidactylus brookii

Species: Hemidactylus brookii

English Name: Brook’s Gecko, Brook’s House Gecko

Chinese Name: 密疣蜥虎

Family: Gekkonidae


Medium sized, slender gecko, up to 15 cm in total length. The body is tan in color and the ventral side is white to light yellow. The dorsal surface of the body and tail is covered by prominent tuberculous and the tail is also covered by rows of spikes. It is quite common in Macao and can be found around buildings.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on... Read more »

Hemidactylus bowringii

Species: Hemidactylus bowringii

English Name: Bowring’s Gecko, Oriental Leaf-toed Gecko

Chinese Name: 原尾蜥虎, 鹽蛇

Family: Gekkonidae


Medium-sized, slender gecko (up to 14 cm in total length). The tail can reach almost the entire length of the body. The coloration is light tan, but it can change according to the surroundings. The head has a longitudinal line running from the snout until the ear opening. It is often found around human habitations, suburb areas, shrublands and grasslands.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau.... Read more »

Gekko chinensis

Species: Gekko chinensis

English Name: Chinese Gecko, Gray’s Chinese Gecko

Chinese Name: 壁虎

Family: Gekkonidae


Fairy large gecko (total length up to 18 cm). The body is grayish with distinctive brown or black bands on the tail. The head is large and flatten. It is a nocturnal species and can be found hiding in crevices in forest areas, caves and and on the outside walls of abandoned buildings.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology... Read more »

Pelodiscus sinensis

Species: Pelodiscus sinensis

English Name: Chinese softshell turtle, Asiatic soft-shelled turtle

Chinese Name: 中華鱉

Family: Trionychidae


Small to medium-sized turtle (11-25 cm in carapace length) with a softshell (because the carapace lack the horny scutes). The coloration is olive upperside and pale underside. It is well adapted to aquatic environments, including brackish swamps and marshes, and is rarely seen outside the water.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 18 (4) , 147-150.

Geoemyda spengleri

Species: Geoemyda spengleri

English Name: Black-breasted Leaf Turtle, Vietnamese Leaf Turtle, Black-breasted Hill Turtle

Chinese Name: 地龜, 黑胸葉龜, 長尾山龜, 十二棱龜, 金龜

Family: Geoemydidae


Small turtle with adults not exceeding 12 cm in carapace length. It is easily distinguished by his flatten carapace, serrated at the front and back, with three keels. The plastron is dark-brown to black with a yellow border. This terrestrial species is typically found on forest floor and is considered Endangered by the IUCN.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes... Read more »

Mauremys reevesii

Species: Mauremys reevesii

English Name: Chinese Pond Turtle, Reeves’ Turtle, Chinese Three-keeled Pond Turtle

Chinese Name: 草龟, 烏龜, 中华草龟, 金龟

Family: Geoemydidae


Semi-aquatic, medium-sized turtle with a carapace length at of least 30 cm. The carapace is light to dark brown, the head and neck are grayish to dark brown with several broken yellowish stripes on the lateral sides. It can be found near still or slow moving freshwaters.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology... Read more »