Brainea insignis

Species: Brainea insignis

English Name: Cycad-fern

Chinese Name: 蘇鐵蕨

Family: Blechnaceae


Stem is blackish brown, erect, stout up to ca. 1 m tall and a diameter of 15cm. Fronds are clustered in a terminal crown.

Found in China, Taiwan and other tropical regions of Asia, on damps and exposed hillsides.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author

Blechnum orientale

Species: Blechnum orientale

English Name: Oriental Blechnum

Chinese Name: 鳥毛蕨

Family: Blechnaceae


Its rhizome is more or less erect, thick and decently covered with narrow dark brown scales. Fronds are up to 130cm tall.

Found in India, Nepal, South China, Japan, Australia and Polynesia.

Tender young fronds are eaten as vegetables. The croziers may be eaten as a delicacy. The rhizome is washed, roasted and ground into flour to make bread.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of... Read more »

Neottopteris nidus

Species: Neottopteris nidus

English Name: Bird-nest Fern

Chinese Name: 巢蕨、鳥巢蕨、山蘇花

Family:  Aspleniaceae


Grows up to 2m in diameter, and as large ferns, it can contain large quantities of organic matter. At the base it has a sponge like root mass that soaks up rain water and absorbs nutrients released from the decaying litter.

Used by herds for nesting.







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–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy... Read more »

Pronephrium simplex

Species: Pronephrium simplex

English Name: Simple Pronephrium

Chinese Name: 單葉新月蕨

Family: Thelypteridaceae


Plants 30-40cm tall. Rhizomes long creeping, with sparse, dark brown lanceolate scales and hooked hair at the apices.

Found in China, Taiwan, Japan and Vietnam, on areas nearby streams and forests in valleys.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author

Macrothelypteris torresiana

Species: Macrothelypteris torresiana

English Name: Mariana Maiden Fern

Chinese Name: 普通針毛蕨

Family: Thelypteridaceae


This is a big and robust fern, with fronds up to 1,2m tall. Its rhizome is short creeping.

Found throughout tropical Asia, Polynesia, Hawai, Japan and Australia. It usually occurs on sunny slopes along roads at the edges of forests.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author

Cyclosorus parasiticus

Species: Cyclosorus parasiticus

English Name: Parasitic Cyclosorus

Chinese Name: 華南毛蕨

Family: Thelypteridaceae


Rhizomes short to creeping to long creeping, about 8mm in diameter. Scales are narrow and pale to dark brown. Fronds approximate to distant-

Found in the tropic and subtropic regions of Asia, and also in Japan and New Zealand. It mainly occurs on dry slopes along paths in open spaces or evergreen forests.

It is used as an anthelmintic.


–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005.... Read more »

Cyclosorus latipinnus

Species: Cyclosorus latipinnus

English Name: Broad-pinna Cyclosorus

Chinese Name: 寬羽毛蕨

Family: Thelypteridaceae


With proximate fronds it grows up to 20 cm, its rhizomes are shortly creeping, dark brown and with brown lanceolate linear scales.

It’s found in China and throughout South East Asia, on wet or semi open forest margins beside streams.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author

Cyclosorus interruptus

Species: Cyclosorus interruptus

English Name: Willdenow’s maiden fern

Chinese Name: 間斷毛蕨、毛蕨

Family: Thelypteridaceae


This creeping fern with harsh, hairless olive green fronds reaches up to 1m height. Its rhizome is creeping, tup to 4mm in diameter.

It is found throughout Asia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Hawai, on the vicinity of freshwater swamps, on grassy barks along streams and on open marshy areas.

It is known to have antimicrobial and growth promoting properties.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese... Read more »

Cyclosorus dentatus

Species:  Cyclosorus dentatus

English Name:  Downy Wood-Fern

Chinese Name: 齒牙毛蕨、野毛蕨

Family:  Thelypteridaceae


Stems short-creeping, 4 to 6mm diameter, and up to 100m high.







Photos used under a Creative Commons license


–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author


Cyclosorus acuminatus

Species: Cyclosorus acuminatus

English Name: Acuminate Cyclosorus

Chinese Name: 漸尖毛蕨

Family: Thelypteridaceae


Found in China, Korea, Japan and Philippines, on semi open places in thickets, grass, farmland margins and the roadside.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author