Adiantum caudatum

Species:  Adiantum caudatum

English Name:  Walking Maidenhair

Chinese Name:  鞭葉鐵線蕨

Family:  Adiantaceae


Stipes are tufed, erect or spreading, more or less covered with brown hairs, 5 to 20 centimeters long. Fronds are linear in outline, simply pinnate, 15 to 30 centimeters long; the leaflets, 1 to 2 centimeters long.

Its leaves and aerial parts are used as antispasmodics and anti asthmatics.







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–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China... Read more »

Adiantum capillus-veneris

Species:  Adiantum capillus-veneris

English Name:  Maidenhair

Chinese Name:  鐵線蕨

Family:  Adiantaceae


Grows from 15 to 30cm in height.

It is used for medical purposes in Native America, believed to treat rheumatism and insanity.












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–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author


Notholaena hirsuta

Species:  Notholaena hirsuta

English Name:  Hairy Lip-fern

Chinese Name:  隱囊蕨、毛碎米蕨

Family:  Sinopteridaceae


Rhizome erect or shortly creeping with linear scales.







Photos used under a Creative Commons license


–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author


Acrostichum aureum

Species:  Acrostichum aureum

English Name:  Leather Fern

Chinese Name:  鹵蕨、金蕨

Family:  Acrostichaceae


Large fronds growing up to a length of 1,8m. The leaves are glossy, broad and pinnate.







Photos used under a Creative Commons license


–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author


Pteris vittata

Species: Pteris vittata

English Name: Ladder Brake

Chinese Name: 蜈蚣草、舒筋草

Family: Pteridaceae


Rhizome is postrate to sub erect, short and thick up to 8mm in diameter. It is covered with pale, papery scales. Fronds are tufted or closely spaced.

Can be found in Asia, Africa and in the Pacific Islands. It’s associated with limestone habitats.

It’s used in pollution control and it is known to be a hyperaccumulator of arsenic used in phytoremediation.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy... Read more »

Pteris semipinnata

Species: Pteris semipinnata

English Name: Half leaf fern

Chinese Name: 半邊旗

Family: Pteridaceae


Perennial herbs. Rhizomes creeping in soil. Fronds are 2-pinnatipartite, upper margin of most pinnae is entire, lower one deeply divided nearly into rachis, the whole pinna similar to a half leaf (hence the name). It grows on roadsides, streamsides, wet places or in forests.

Preparation: Whole herb used. Collected all year round. Washed and used fresh or dried under the sun.

Properties: Bitter, acrid in taste, cool in nature.

Actions and indications: Clearing heat, removing toxic substance, relieving swelling, and hemorrhage. Indicated for enteritis, icteric hepatitis, conjunctivitis.... Read more »

Pteris multifada

Species: Pteris multifada

English Name: Chinese Brake

Chinese Name:  井欄邊草、鳳尾草

Family: Pteridaceae


Rhizome short creeping with dark reddish brown to chestnut brown scales. Fronds are up to 60cm high.

Found in Japan, Korea, China and Vietnam. More specifically on rocks in disturbed areas on shady walls and masonry around cemeteries, dumps and towns.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author

Pteris linearis

Species: Pteris linearis

English Name: Linear Brake

Chinese Name: 線羽鳳尾蕨、三角眼鳳尾蕨

Family: Pteridaceae


It is spread throughout Africa and Asia most commonly found on mountain slopes in tower montane forests and ub limestone regions.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author

Pteris grevilleana

Species: Pteris grevilleana

English Name: Greville’s Brake

Chinese Name: 林下鳳尾蕨

Family: Pteridaceae


Plants are around 45 cm tall. Its rhizome is short and erect, with a diameter that can reach 1cm.  It’s covered with black-brown scales. Fronds are clustered.

It can be found in China, Taiwan, Indonesia and Japan. More specifically among rocks within forests.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author

Pteris fauriei

Species: Pteris fauriei

English Name: Faurie’s Brake

Chinese Name: 金釵鳳尾蕨

Family: Pteridaceae


This fen is 50 to 90cm tall. It has a short and ascending rhizome up to 1cm in diameter. The rhizome is covered in line-lanceolate dark brown scales. Its fronds are clustered.

It can be found in China, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines and Vietnam. More specifically on acidic soils in forests along valleys.



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1).... Read more »