Dicranopteris pedata

Species: Dicranopteris pedata 

English name: Forked Fern

Chinese name: 芒萁、狼萁

Family: Gleicheniaceae.


Stem erect or trailing. Rhizome slender, creeping. Leaves sparsely arranged, with rachise branching usually 2-3 times. A dormant bud at each branching point covered with hairs and protected by a pair of leafy bract. A pair of pinnae presented at each branching point as well as at the tip, pinnae lanceolate, pinnatipartite, with several decade pair of lobes, pale-white or grey-blue beneath.

It can be found growing on hillsides and mountain slope.

Preparation: Whole herb, root and stem are used. They can be collected in all seasons, well-washed, used fresh... Read more »

Osmunda vachellii

Species: Osmunda vachellii 

English name: Vachell’s Interrupted Fern

Chinese name: 華南紫萁、假蘇鐵

Family: Osmundaceae.


This genus contains a living fossil dated back to the Triassic.

Rhizome erect, stout, woody. Found in hillsides, often by streams and sometimes in open sites.


–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author

Angiopteris fokiensis

Species: Angiopteris fokiensis

English name: Fokien Angiopteris

Chinese name:  福建蓮座蕨、福建觀音座蓮、馬蹄蕨

Family: Angiopteridaceae


Fronds 2-4m. Broad-leaved forests (400-1600m)



–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume 1). Macao, SAR: Author


Ophioglossum vulgatum

Species: Ophioglossum vulgatum 

English name: Adder’s Tongue

Chinese name:  箭蕨、瓶爾小草、一枝箭

Family: Ophioglossaceae.


Grows from a rhizome to 10-20cm tall. It consists of a two-part frond, separated into a rounded diamond shaped sheath and narrow spore-bearing spike.

Traditional European folk used leaves and rhizomes as a poultice for wounds – “The Green Oil of Chanty”. It is also used as tea for controlling internal bleeding and vomiting. Roots and leaves are antiseptic, detergent, emetic and styptic.













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–  Department... Read more »

Psilotum nudum

Species: Psilotum nudum

English name: Pine-leaved Fern; Fork Fern

Chinese name: 松葉蕨、松葉蘭、鐵掃把

Family: Psilotaceae


Epiphytic ferns, perennial herb. The subterranean stem crawls, does not have the root, only then the hairy absorber and rhizoid, usually have the fungus root. Considered a primitive plant, a descendent of possibly the first group of vascular plants.

Psilotum nudum means bare naked because it lacks most of the organs of modern plants.

It habitats on quite rare places, grows as an attachment on rock wall or bough, found in Macau Penha Hill, Coloane stone basin trail, Seac Pai Van Park.

Used as a small broom in the past. Used... Read more »