Species: Sida cordifolia
English Name: Heart-leaved Sida
Chinese Name: 心葉黃花稔
Family: Malvaceae
Subshrubs erect, ca. 1 m tall. Branchlets, stipules, petioles, and leaves densely stellate strigose; branchlets and petioles velutinous, hairs ca. 3 mm. Stipule filiform, ca. 5 mm; petiole 1-2.5 cm; leaf blade ovate, 1.5-5 × 1-4 cm, abaxially velutinous on veins, base minutely cordate or rounded, margin crenate, apex obtuse to rounded. Flower solitary or fascicled, axillary or terminal. Pedicel 5-15 mm, densely stellate pilose and with long hairs, articulate in distal part. Calyx cup-shaped, lobes triangular, 5-6 mm, densely stellate pilose and with long hairs. Corolla yellow, ca. 1.5... Read more »