Equisetum debile

Species: Equisetum debile 

English name: Frail Horsetail

Chinese name:  筆管草、纖弱木賊、節骨草、土木賊、木賊

Family: Equisetaceae


Perennial herbs. Rhizome is black with aerial stems. Leaves are attached at node, forming a sheath around the stem. It grows on damp soil along the bank of streams.

Preparation: The whole herb is used and collected all year round. Washed and dried under the sun.

Properties: Sweet, slightly bitter in taste, mild in nature.

Actions and indications: It is used to clear heat, promote diuresis, clear liver-fire, and to improve vision. Indicated for acute conjunctivitis, icteric hepatitis and urethral stone.



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Selaginella kraussiana

Species: Selaginella kraussiana

English name:  Krauss’s Spikemoss; Trailing Spikemoss.

Chinese name:  小翠雲、地柏

Family: Selaginellaceae.

The rhizome long walks sideways, main stalk continually blade width 4-5mm, reaches as high as 6cm, about two fork branching. Branching continually blade width 3.5-4mm.  Usually find in Coloane Arboretum, Seac Pai Van Park.







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–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science 2005. Flora of Macao (Volume... Read more »

Selaginella heterostachys

Species: Selaginella heterostachys

English name: Spikemoss

Chinese name: 異穗卷柏、姬卷柏

異穗卷柏、姬卷柏 -->

Family: Selaginellaceae.


The perennial is often green the terrestrial ferns, herb, high 15-50cm. The main stalk grain stalk color, has the corner, often gives birth to the support root in the branching place, the lateral branch is dense, multiple branching.  It usually appears on brook wet rocks and find in North-East of Coloane trails and stone basin trail.







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–  Department of Gardens and Green... Read more »

Selaginella doederleinii

Species: Selaginella doederleinii

English name: Doederlein’s Spikemoss

Chinese name: 深綠卷柏、石上柏、多徳卷柏、生根卷柏

Family: Selaginellaceae.

The perennial is often green the terrestrial ferns, herb, high 15-50cm. The main stalk grain stalk color, has the corner, often gives birth to the support root in the branching place, the lateral branch is dense, multiple branching. Usually find in Seac Pai Van mountain, stacked stone pond mountain and Northeast trails.







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–  Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, South China... Read more »

Palhinhaea cernua

Species: Palhinhaea cernua

English name: Nodding clubmoss

Chinese name: 鋪地蜈蚣、垂穗石松、燈籠石松、筯骨草、燈籠草、過山龍

Family: Lycopodiaceae.


Roots are clustered, with erect, reclining or creeping stems. Its branching is dichotomous with linear-subulate, spirally arranged leaves.

It usually grows on hill slopes or under thickets.

The whole plant is used all year round, and it helps clear the heat, expel damp, relaxing muscle and tendons and relieving hemorrhage promoting the regeneration of tissue. It’s indicated for rheumalgia, traumatic sprain, acute hepatitis, conjunctival congestion, hematemesis, hemafecia, dysentery, enteritis, burn, scald, herpes zoster and rubella.







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Psilotum nudum

Species: Psilotum nudum

English name: Pine-leaved Fern; Fork Fern

Chinese name: 松葉蕨、松葉蘭、鐵掃把

Family: Psilotaceae


Epiphytic ferns, perennial herb. The subterranean stem crawls, does not have the root, only then the hairy absorber and rhizoid, usually have the fungus root. Considered a primitive plant, a descendent of possibly the first group of vascular plants.

Psilotum nudum means bare naked because it lacks most of the organs of modern plants.

It habitats on quite rare places, grows as an attachment on rock wall or bough, found in Macau Penha Hill, Coloane stone basin trail, Seac Pai Van Park.

Used as a small broom in the past. Used... Read more »

Sonneratia apetala

Species: Sonneratia apetala 

English Name: Mangrove apple

Chinese Name: 無瓣海桑

Family: Lythraceae


It is sparsely distributed but the tallest among the mangrove species in Macao, growing up to a height of about 15-20 meters. It can also be distinguished by its dark or black bark and very round fruits.


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Araño-Tagulao, K, Chan, SK,Wong, S., Ang, PO, Kam, K. Macao’s Mangroves, University of Saint, Joseph, 2012.

Kandelia obovata

Species: Kandelia obovata

English Name: Kandelia

Chinese Name: 秋茄

Family: Rhizophoraceae

A species mainly distinguished by its candle- or pen-like droppers hanging on tree branches. It is widely distributed in Macao and can be found from the back to the seaward edge of the mangrove forests.

Photos used under a Creative Commons license

Araño-Tagulao, K, Chan, SK,Wong, S., Ang, PO, Kam, K. Macao’s Mangroves, University of Saint, Joseph, 2012.

Aegiceras corniculatum

Species: Aegiceras corniculatum

English Name: River Mangrove

Chinese Name: 桐花樹

Family: Mysinaceae


Like Acanthus, it is also a dominant and widely distributed mangrove species in Macao, mainly found from the mid to the seaward edge of mangrove forests. A shrub or short tree with usually reddish petioles.

Photos used under a Creative Commons license

Araño-Tagulao, K, Chan, SK,Wong, S., Ang, PO, Kam, K. Macao’s Mangroves, University of Saint, Joseph, 2012.

Acanthus ilicifolius

Species: Acanthus ilicifolius

English Name: Sea Holly

Chinese Name: 老鼠簕

Family: Acanthaceae


One of the most dominant mangrove species in Macao, usually found both in the margins and back mangroves. It is a shrub easily distinguished by its spiny stems and leaves. Mature leaves have sharp serrated edges.


Photos used under a Creative Commons license

Araño-Tagulao, K, Chan, SK,Wong, S., Ang, PO, Kam, K. Macao’s Mangroves, University of Saint, Joseph, 2012.