Species: Litsea glutinosa
English Name: Persimmon-leaved Litsea
Chinese Name: 假柿木薑子、假柿木薑、假沙梨
Family: Lauraceae
Evergreen trees up to 18 m tall, ca. 15 cm d.b.h. Branchlets densely ferruginous pubescent. Leaves alternate; petiole 1-3 cm, densely hairy like branchlets; leaf blade broadly ovate or obovate to ovate-oblong, 8-20 × 4-12 cm, densely ferruginous pubescent abaxially, along midrib ferruginous pubescent adaxially when young, pinninerved, lateral veins 8-12 pairs, base rounded or acute, apex obtuse or rounded, rarely acute. Umbels clustered on shortest branchlets, 4-6-flowered or more; peduncle 4-6 mm. Male flowers: pedicel 6-7 mm, ferruginous pubescent; perianth segments 5 or 6, yellow-white, lanceolate; fertile stamens 9; filaments pubescent, of 3rd whorls each with 2 stipitate glands at base. Fruit long ovoid, ca. 7 × 5 mm, seated on shallowly discoid perianth tube; fruiting pedicel ca. 1 cm. Fl. Nov-May or Jun of next year, fr. Jun-Jul.
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Wu ZY, Raven PH, Hong DY (eds) (2011) Flora of China. Vol. 19 (Cucurbitaceae through Valerianaceae, with Annonaceae and Berberidaceae). Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Bot Garden Press, St. Louis