Loxodon macrorhinus

Species: Loxodon macrorhinus

English Name: Sliteye Shark

Chinese Name: 廣鼻曲齒鮫

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Sliteye Shark is a grey small, very slim shark with a long, narrow snout, big eyes with rear notches, short labial furrows, and small, oblique-cusped teeth with smooth edges. Can grow up to a length of 98cm for male and female. Lives on continental and insular shelves, mainly near the bottom. Feeds on small bony fishes, shrimps, and cuttlefish. Commercialized for human use.

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– Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species Catalogue.... Read more »

Galeocerdo cuvier

Species: Galeocerdo cuvier

English Name: Tiger Shark

Chinese Name: 虎沙

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Tiger Shark is a huge, grey vertical tiger-striped shark with a broad, bluntly rounded snout, long upper labial furrows, and a big mouth with large, saw-edged, cockscomb-shaped teeth; spiracles present; caudal keels low. Can grow up to a length of 750cm for male and female. Lives near surface to depths of 140m, on continental and insular shelves. Nocturnal feeders on other sharks, rays, bony fishes, marine mammals, tortoises, also toxic or armored fish species. Commercialized for human use.

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Carcharhinus sorrah

Species: Carcharhinus sorrah

English Name: Spot-tail Shark

Chinese Name: 沙拉真鲨

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Spot-tail Shark is a grey or grey-brown small, spindle-shaped shark with a long, rounded snout, large circular eyes, and oblique-cusped serrated teeth. The first dorsal fin is thin with a conspicuous dark tip and second dorsal are very low with dark tips as well. Can grow up to a length of 160cm for male and female. Lives on the continental and insular shelves, primarily near reefs. Feeds on teleost fishes but also feeds on cephalopods and crustaceans Minor commercialized.

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Carcharhinus plumbeus

Species: Carcharhinus plumbeus

English Name: Sandbar Shark

Chinese Name: 鉛灰真鯊

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Sandbar Shark is grey-brown or bronzy stout shark with no prominent markings. They have a moderately long, rounded snout, a high, triangular, saw-edged upper teeth, and plain or with slightly dusky tips fins. Their first dorsal fin is very large and erect. Can grow up to a length of 250cm for male and female. Lives inshore and offshore, on continental and insular shelves and adjacent to deep waters. Feeds on bony fishes, small sharks, cephalopods and shrimps. Commercialized for human use.

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Carcharhinus obscurus

Species: Carcharhinus obscurus

English Name: Dusky Shark

Chinese Name: 暗體真鯊

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Dusky Shark is a large blue-grey, lead-grey shark with a broadly rounded snout, triangular saw-edged upper teeth. They have curved moderate-size pectoral fins with an interdorsal ridge. Can grow up to a length of 420cm for male and female. Lives in coastal and offshore waters. Feeds on bottom and pelagic bony fish, sharks, skates, rays, cephalopods, crustaceans and inorganic objects. Commercialized for human use.

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– Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species... Read more »

Carcharhinus melanopterus

Species: Carcharhinus melanopterus

English Name: Blacktip Reef Shark

Chinese Name: 烏翅真鯊

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Blacktip Reef Shark is a yellow-brown small shark with a short and bluntly rounded snout, oval eyes and narrow-cusped teeth. All of its fins are conspicuous with black or dark brown tips also anterior and posterior dark edging on pectoral fins and upper lobe of caudal fin. Can grow up to a length of 200cm for male and female. Lives in shallow water close inshore on coral reefs, mangrove areas and in the intertidal zone. Feeds on fishes, crustaceans, cephalopods and other mollusks. Commercialized for... Read more »

Carcharhinus macloti

Species: Carcharhinus macloti

English Name: Hardnose Shark

Chinese Name: 長吻基齒鯊

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Hardnose Shark has s small slender grayish or grey-brown body distinguished by its long narrowly rounded snout. This shark has small pectoral fins, s small first dorsal fin with an extremely long rear tip and a small low second dorsal fin with a long rear tip. Can grow up to a length of 110cm for male and female. Lives in inshore and offshore waters of continental and insular shelves. Feeds on fishes, also cephalopods and crustaceans. Commercialized for human use.

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Carcharhinus longimanus

Species: Carcharhinus longimanus

English Name: Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Chinese Name: 污斑白眼鲛

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Oceanic Whitetip Shark has a huge rounded 1st dorsal fin, and long, wide-tipped pectoral fins with bluntly rounded snout and upper triangular teeth. The back of this shark is usually dark grey with a bronze tinge, sometimes brown or bluish, the lower lobe of caudal is often white or white spots, and ventral lobe of caudal often with black spots. Can grow up to a length of 400cm for male and female. Lives in the oceanic deep-water and sometimes comes close to shore. Feeds on... Read more »

Carcharhinus limbatus

Species: Carcharhinus limbatus 

English Name: Blacktip Shark

Chinese Name: 黑邊鰭白眼鮫

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Blacktip Shark has a long, narrow, pointed snout, long gill slits with narrow-cusped upper teeth. This dark grey, ashy blue or dusky bronze on back Shark has a dark band extending rearward along each side. Can grow up to a length of 275cm for male and female. Lives adjacent to continental and insular shelves. Feeds mainly on pelagic and benthic fishes, as well as small sharks and rays, cephalods and crustaceans.







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Carcharhinus falciformis

Species: Carcharhinus falciformis

English Name: Silky Shark

Chinese Name: 平滑白眼鲛

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Silky Shark has a large, slim grey or bluish-grey body with a moderately long, flat and rounded snout, small jaws, large eyes, and oblique-cusped teeth with serrations. This is the only Carcharhinus species that has interdorsal ridge that has dorsal fin behind the free rear tip of the pectoral fin. Can grow up to a length of 350cm for male and female. Lives near the edge of continental and insular shelves, as well as in the open sea.

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