Rhinobatos hynnicephalus

Species: Rhinobatos hynnicephalus 

English Name: Angel Fish

Chinese Name: 斑紋犁頭鰩

Family: Rhinobatidae


The Angel Fish has a triangular-shaped snout, short tail, very small scales in their back and abdomen, and many brown spots in the body. Can grow up to a length of 53 to 62 cm for male and female, respectively. Lives near the shore in sandy mud bottoms. Preys on small benthic animals. Commercialized for human uses.

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– Kampeng, Lei; Tingbao, Yang; Cheewah, Leung; Huang, Xiao. 1999. Fishes of... Read more »

Etmopterus lucifer

Species: Etmopterus lucifer

English Name: Blackbelly Lanternshark

Chinese Name: 燈籠棘鮫

Family: Etmopteridae


The Blackbelly Lanternshark is a small and slender dorsally dark grey or brown shark that is black ventrally, with a distinct black streak above and behind pelvic fins. It has a moderately elongate caudal peduncle and with flank denticles mostly arranged in regular rows and has a luminescent belly that attracts prey. Can grow up to a length of 47cm for male and female. Lives on the outer continental and insular shelves. Feeds on small bony fishes, and shrimps.

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Sphyrna lewini

Species: Sphyrna lewini

English Name: Scalloped Hammerhead

Chinese Name: 路氏雙髻鯊, 紅肉丫髻鮫

Family: Sphyrnidae


The Scalloped Hammerhead has uniform grey, greyish brown, or olivaceous body with shading to white below. The pectoral fins are tipped with grey or black ventrally. The head of this hammerhead is depressed and extended laterally. Can grow up to a length of 430 cm. Lives in continental and insular shelves and adjacent deep water. Preys on teleost fishes, lobsters, shrimps, crabs, other sharks, rays and cephalopods. Commercialized for human uses and gamefish.

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Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus

Species: Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus

English Name: Ornate Jobfish

Chinese Name: 藍紋姬鯛, 花笛鯛

Family: Lutjanidae


The upper part of the Ornate Jobfish’s head is reddish; the back is mainly yellow, the sides and belly silvery, sometimes pinkish, body with many bright blue spots and vermiculations. As for the dorsal and caudal fins are yellowish. Can grow up to a length of 40 cm. Lives in rocky bottoms. Preys small fishes, crustaceans and squids. Minor commercialized for human use.

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– Allen, G.R., 1985. FAO Species Catalogue.... Read more »

Paracaesio xanthura

Species: Paracaesio xanthura

English Name: Yellowtail Blue Snapper

Chinese Name: 黃擬烏尾冬

Family: Lutjanidae


Yellowtail Blue Snappers are bluish to olive-brown with a yellow vertical band at its back all the way to its tail. Can grow up to a length of 50 cm. Lives in rocky bottoms. Preys on zooplankton. Commercialized for human use.

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– Allen, G.R., 1985. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 6. Snappers of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lutjanid species known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(6):208 p.... Read more »

Macolor niger

Species: Macolor niger

English Name: Black And White Snapper

Chinese Name: 黑背笛鯛, 黑體羽鰓笛鯛

Family: Lutjanidae


Adults Black and White Snappers are generally pale-gray in color with a few lighter markings on the dorsal side. Juveniles have noticeably crisp bold blacks markings that spread across the body and fade in crispness as they mature. Can grow up to a length of 75 cm. Lives in steep outer walls of lagoon, channel and seaward slopes. Preys on fishes and crustaceans. Commercialized for human use.

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Lutjanus vitta

Species: Lutjanus vitta

English Name: Brownstripe Red Snapper

Chinese Name: 縱帶笛鯛, 畫眉笛鯛

Family: Lutjanidae


The Brownstripe Red Snappers are generally whitish or pink with a yellowish brown to black stripe on the middle of the side. Juveniles and young adults has an intense black mid-lateral stripe and an oval black spot, eye-sized or greater, lying in the middle of the stripe below last dorsal spines. Adults have a yellow median fins. Can grow up to a length of 40 cm. Lives in the vicinity of coral reefs also in areas with flat bottoms and occasional low coral outcrops, sponges,... Read more »

Lutjanus sebae

Species: Lutjanus sebae

English Name: Emperor Red Snapper

Chinese Name: 川紋笛鯛, 千年笛鯛

Family: Lutjanidae


The Emperor Red Snappers are generally red or pink, darker on the back; fins are red except the pectorals that are pink. Juveniles and young adults have a dark red band from the first dorsal spine through the eye to the tip of snout; a second band from mid-dorsal fin to pelvic fin; and a third one from the base of the last dorsal spine to caudal peduncle. Can grow up to a length of 116 cm. Lives in vicinity of coral or rocky reefs... Read more »

Lutjanus russellii

Species: Lutjanus russellii

English Name: Russell’s Snapper

Chinese Name: 黑星笛鯛, 勒氏笛鯛

Family: Lutjanidae


The Russell’s Snappers are generally whitish or pink with silvery sheen, frequently brownish on the upper part of the head and back. It has a black spot that is sometimes faint on the lateral line below the anterior portions of the soft dorsal fin. Can grow up to a length of 50 cm. Lives in offshore coral reefs and also inshore rocky and coral reefs. Preys on fishes and benthic invertebrates. Commercialized for human use.

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Lutjanus rivulatus

Species: Lutjanus rivulatus

English Name: Blubberlip Snapper

Chinese Name: 海雞母笛鯛, 藍點笛鯛

Family: Lutjanidae


The Blubberlip Snappers are olive-green on back, and white to silverfish on belly. Its head has numerous wavy white or bluish bands across cheeks. On the lateral line below the anterior part of soft dorsal fin there is a pearly blotch with black edge. Each body scales have a white or bluish dot. Fins largely yellowish with shading of dusky brown, sometimes dark brown cross bar at level of pectoral fin base. Can grow up to a length of 80 cm. Lives in coral reefs or... Read more »