Plestiodon quadrilineatus

Species: Plestiodon quadrilineatus

English Name: Blue-tailed Skink, Four-striped Skink

Chinese Name: 四线石龙子

Family: Scincidae


Medium-sized Skink, up to 20 cm in total length, with smooth and glossy scales. The dorsal color varies from dark brown to black and have two prominent white stripes and two thinner white lateral stripes extending from snout to tail. These four stripes merge with the brilliant blue of the tail. It can be found in dry shrub and woodland.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and... Read more »

Leiolepis reevesii

Species: Leiolepis reevesii

English Name: Reeves’ Butterfly Lizard, Butterfly Lizard

Chinese Name: 蜡皮蜥

Family: Agamidae


The butterfly lizard has a triangular head and a elongated round tail. The upperside is olive to dark with orange spots on the back and a serie of red spots on the sides.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 18 (4) , 147-150.

Cuora trifasciata

Species: Cuora trifasciata

English Name: Golden Coin Turtle, Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle

Chinese Name: 金錢龜, 線閉殼龜

Family: Geoemydidae


This turtle has a long, flat, brown carapace with tree distinctive black longitudinal stripes. The plastron is mainly black with a yellow border. The underside of the neck, limb sockets and the underside of the limbs and tail are pink-orange. This is a semi-aquatic species and is considered Critically Endangered with extinction by the IUCN.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles... Read more »

Ptyas korros

Species: Ptyas korros

English Name: Chinese Rat Snake, Indo-Chinese Rat Snake

Chinese Name: 灰鼠蛇

Family: Colubridae


Non-venomous snake with 120-150 cm long, but can grow up to 180 cm. It has very large eyes and is olive-brown to brown above and pale below. It occurs in agricultural or forest areas, particularly grassy banks of reservoirs and edges of cultivated fields and ponds.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Macau. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 18 (4) , 147-150.

Lycodon subcinctus

Species: Lycodon subcinctus

English Name: Banded Wolf Snake, Malayan Banded Wolf Snake

Chinese Name: 細白環蛇

Family: Colubridae


Relatively small (up to 90 cm), non-venomous snake. The dorsal side is dark brown to black with 12-25 white crossbars and ventrally it is grey or whitish. Hatchlings and juveniles have a whitish band across the head. This species can be found in the forest floor, vegetation or climbing large trees and in agricultural areas.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of... Read more »

Enhydris bennettii

Species: Enhydris bennettii

English Name: Mangrove Water Snake, Bennett’s Mud Snake, Bennett’s Water Snake

Chinese Name: 黑斑水蛇

Family: Homalopsidae


Small (at least 50-75 cm), mildly venomous snake with two large teeth at the back of the upper jaw. The back is olive-grey with dark grey crossbars and the ventral side is yellowish with black marginated scales. Can be found in mangroves swamps, tidal ponds and estuaries hidden inside crab or mudskipper burrow, under objects or on the branches of the mangroves.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung,... Read more »

Cuora flavomarginata

Species: Cuora flavomarginata

English Name: Chinese Box Turtle, Yellow-marginated Box Turtle, Golden-headed Turtle

Chinese Name: 黃緣盒龜, 夾板龜, 克蛇龜

Family: Geoemydidae


Semiaquatic, medium-sized turtle (about 15 cm in carapace length). The carapace is black and brown with a distinctive yellow central keel, plastrom is black with a yellow edge and the head is olive above with a yellow line behind each eye. This endangered specie can be found in pounds and rice paddies.

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– Zhao, E., Leung, V., Leung, C. V. (1999). Notes on amphibians and reptiles of... Read more »

Trimeresurus albolabris

Species: Trimeresurus albolabris

English Name: Bamboo Snake, Green Pit Viper, White-lipped Pit Viper

Chinese Name: 白唇竹叶青蛇

Family: Viperidae


Venomous, small snake, usually with 50 cm in length but can reach 90 cm. Above, it is  bright green with a yellow (females) or white (males) ventrolateral stripe and a reddish-brown streak on the tail. The ventral side is yellowish, white or green. The head is triangular with two hinged fangs at the front of upper jaw. Commonly found in shrubland, grassland and on edges of cultivated fields.

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Naja atra

Species: Naja atra

English Name: Chinese Cobra, Taiwan Cobra

Chinese Name: 舟山眼鏡蛇, 中華眼鏡蛇, 飯鏟頭

Family: Elapidae


Highly venomous, medium sized snake, usually 90-100 cm but can grow up to 165 cm. The dorsal color is brown, grey, black or even gold or yellow in rare cases. The ventral is grayish white with two black spots on the upper throat. The neck has a expandable, short, wide hood. It typically inhabits woodlands, shrublands, grasslands and mangroves but can easily adapt to a wide variety of habitats.

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Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus

Species: Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus

English Name: Many-banded Krait

Chinese Name: 銀環蛇, 銀環蛇指名亞種, 銀腳帶, 銀蛇, 白節蛇, 銀包鐵

Family: Elapidae


Medium to large sized snake, averaging about 80-105 cm but can grow up to 150 cm. The body has, at least, 35 pair of black and white crossbands, with the black bands being wider. The bands don’t extend to the ventral side, which is grayish white. The body cross section is triangular, but less pronounced than Banded Krait. Extremely venomous and delayed treatment can be fatal. It is commonly found in low areas, especially in shrublands, woodlands, agricultural fields and mangroves.

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