Microcystis ichthyoblabe

Species: Microcystis ichthyoblabe

English Name: Microcystis ichthyoblabe

Chinese Name: 魚害微囊藻

Family: Microcystaceae


A species of cyanobacterium, that forms and grows waterblooms in mesotrophic and eutrophic waters. These species includes very toxic and non toxic strains. And the waterblooms form can be very poisonous at times, particularly during growth phase of bloom.

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-Qiu Yi Jian, Ung Wai Kin, and Kong Yi Jun, 2011. Atlas of Common Harmful Freshwater Algae in Macao. Macau University of Science and Technology Publishing.

-Sabour, Brahim, Loudiki, Mohammed,... Read more »

Microcystis flos-aquae

Species: Microcystis flos-aquae

English Name: Microcystis flos-aquae

Chinese Name: 水華微囊藻

Family: Microcystaceae


A gas-vacuolate cyanobacterium species that forms colonies of cells in freshwater. The dominance of these species is attributed to their ability to float in water and their ability to regulate their buoyancy as a response to environmental changes. The cell diameters of these species are of 2.5-5.5 micrometers.






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-Qiu Yi Jian, Ung Wai Kin, and Kong Yi Jun, 2011. Atlas of Common Harmful Freshwater Algae in Macao.... Read more »

Microcystis wesenbergii

Species: Microcystis wesenbergii

English Name: Microcystis wesenbergii

Chinese Name: 惠氏微囊藻

Family: Microcystaceae


A species of cyanobacterium, or blue-green alga, that forms colonies of cells in freshwater. They usually form in large concentrations, called blooms, and appears bright green to blue-green and can cause surface scums. Clones of these species are non-toxic.

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-Qiu Yi Jian, Ung Wai Kin, and Kong Yi Jun, 2011. Atlas of Common Harmful Freshwater Algae in Macao. Macau University of Science and Technology Publishing.

Nebrius ferrugineus

Species: Nebrius ferrugineus

English Name: Tawny Nurse Shark

Chinese Name: 褐色护士鲨

Family: Ginglymostomatidae


The Tawny Nurse Shark is a dorsally brown, ventrally pale, large and bulky shark with a small mouth and small comb-like teeth. The fins are angular with caudal fins being shorter. Can grow up to a length of 320cm for male and female. Lives on the continental and insular shelves. Feeds on wide variety of bottom invertebrates, small fishes including cephalopods, crustaceans and sea urchins. Commercialized for fisheries.

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Centrophorus granulosus

Species: Centrophorus granulosus

English Name: Gulper Shark

Chinese Name: 刺鯊

Family: Centrophoridae


The Gulper Shark is a dorsally light grayish brown and ventrally paler shark with greenish eyes. Adults have dusky tips in their dorsal fins and are not prominently marked. Can grow up to a length of 170cm for male and female. Lives on the continental shelves and upper slopes. Feeds on bony fishes such as hake, lanternfish, cods, squid and crustaceans. Minor commercialized.

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– Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol.... Read more »

Triaenodon obesus

Species: Triaenodon obesus

English Name: Whitetip Reef Shark

Chinese Name: 灰三齿鲨

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Whitetip Reef Shark is a grey small, slender shark sometimes with dark spots on sides, that has an extremely short, broad snout, oval eyes, and conspicuous white tips on the 1st dorsal and upper caudal fins. Can grow up to a length of 213cm for male and female. Lives on the sluggish lagoons, sand patch, and seaward reefs. Feeds on benthic animals such as fishes, octopi, spiny lobsters, and crabs. Minor commercialized.

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Scoliodon laticaudus

Species: Scoliodon laticaudus                  

English Name: Spadenose Shark

Chinese Name: 宽尾斜齿鲨

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Spadenose Shark is a bronze grey shark with fins sometimes darker than body and has no conspicuous markings. Can grow up to a length of 100cm for male and female. Lives on rocky substrates of coastal waters and lower reaches of tropical rivers. Feeds on small bony fishes, shrimps and cuttlefish. Commercialized for human uses and usually as bait.

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– Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks... Read more »

Rhizoprionodon oligolinx

Species: Rhizoprionodon oligolinx

English Name: Grey Sharpnose Shark

Chinese Name: 寡线斜锯牙鲨

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Grey Sharpnose Shark has long labial furrows, short pectoral fins and position of anal fin origin is well in front of second dorsal fin origin. Can grow up to a length of 70cm for male and female. Lives inshore and offshore on continental and insular shelves. Feeds on fishes, cephalopods, and crustaceans. Commercialized for human uses.

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– Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world.... Read more »

Rhizoprionodon acutus

Species: Rhizoprionodon acutus

English Name: Milk Shark

Chinese Name: 尖吻斜锯牙鲨

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Milk Shark is grey or grey-brown small shark with a long, narrow, snout, big eyes without notches, long labial furrows, and oblique-cusped teeth that may be smooth-edged or weakly serrated. Dorsal and anal fins with blackish edges and are slightly darker than back. Can grow up to a length of 175cm for male and female. Lives on continental shelves, often on sandy beaches and rarely in estuaries. Feeds on small pelagic and benthic bony fishes, also cephalopods and other invertebrates. Commercialized for human uses.

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Prionace glauca

Species: Prionace glauca

English Name: Blue Shark

Chinese Name: 大青鯊

Family: Carcharhinidae


The Blue Shark is a dark blue slim shark with a long, conical snout, with large eyes, and curved triangular upper teeth with saw edges. Can grow up to a length of 400cm for male and female. Lives in circumglobal in temperate and tropical waters. Feeds on fishes, small sharks, squids, pelagic red crabs, cetacean carrion, and garbage. Minor commercialized.

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– Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of... Read more »